Established in 2016, ILICO, France’s multi-agency Research Infrastructure for coastal ocean observation, aims to observe and understand coastal ocean and seashore environments in a comprehensive manner. ILICO brings together an ensemble of complementary observation networks that collect samples and deploy a wide range of measurement devices to study these ecosystems. The observation networks are accredited through a peer-reviewed evaluation process overseen by national research agencies. The networks are : BENTHOBS, COAST HF, CORAIL, DYNALIT, MOOSE, PHYTOBS, ReefTemps, SOMLIT & SONEL. ILICO’s missions include to foster interactions between members of its pluri-disciplinary research community in order to improve understanding of the function and evolution of these environments.
Video on ILICO's youtube channel :
To find out more
Coastal Ocean and Nearshore Observation: A French Case Study on ILICO's youtube channel :